First Time in Panama
Ever since arriving in Panama, I knew it was going to be a different experience from what I'm used to; the heat and humidity were a bit more than what I was expecting but the views and the landscapes is something that makes up for the extreme weather.
My first night in Batipa which is where we're gonna be staying for the remainder of the research, was a whole new experience. before going to bed I took a shower to try and refresh but once I got out I was sweating again so that made little difference. We had mosquito nets around our bed but I still decided to apply bug spray just to be safe, it was really hot at night even with the fans on I got little sleep with all the noise from monkeys and water. Still, I was up and ready to go in the morning.
The next morning, The food was really good and it was nice to try something new and typical of Panama, for breakfast, we had "yuca" with sausage, cheese, and a really good Habanero sauce, all of this with a nice cup of "cafe the olla" to wake me up.
I am looking forward to our first time out in the field and start working with insects, and for someone who hates bugs and insects that should be an experience.
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